Create unit MQ-9 etc. & set to flying. Create ‘UAV’ module and create empty vehicle or object such as a TV or line keeper’s box to act as terminal. Synchronize player, MQ9 & terminal to module. To move UAV’s flight pattern on the map, just click on the map while you are in the UAV. Also, while using the UAV camera just point the crosshair at any location below to cause the aircraft to circle that point. Hit tab to lock onto vehicular targets.

Helicopter airlifts object

To make an object attach itself to a vehicle like a helicopter start by naming both vehicle and object. Now create 3 triggesr with no size. The first should have car1 distance heli1 < 8; written in the ‘Condition’ field. 8 meters seems to work well. In the ‘On activation field type car1 attachTo [heli1,[ 0, 1, -10]];where 0 is left to right, 1 is front to back and -10 is up and down. This code will attach car1 10 meters below and 1 meter ahead of heli1’s centerpoint. This is the best configuration for most helicopters. Set this trigger’s ‘TIMEOUT’ to about 2 seconds to simulate the time required to attach the hook. Now in the second trigger’s ‘Condition’ field write (getpos car1 select 2) <0.5; In the ‘On Activation’ field write detach car1; This will detach car1 from heli1 when car1 discovers that it is again under 0.5 meters off of the ground. You could also set the ‘Condition’ to this;and set the trigger ‘Activation’ to ‘Radio Alpha’. This will detach car1 on command. BE SURE TO SET ALL TRIGGERS TO ‘Repeatedly’. If you want another helicopter to be able to pick up car1, just copy the first trigger and change the name of the helicopter.

MC-130 Refueler

To build a refueler/rearming capable C-130 start by creating a C-130(empty or piloted) and naming it ‘c130’. Now create the boom by placing a ‘flagpole’ (Objects) and a ’10cm Sphere’ (‘Objects -Helpers’). Name the flagpole ‘boom’ and the sphere ‘nozzle’. Type this into the boom’s ‘Initialization’ field: boom setVectordirandup [[0,.5,-.6],[0,.5,0]]; Now type nozzle attachTo [boom,[ -.1, -.35, -4.2]]; into the nozzle’s ‘Initialization’ field. Ok, now we need 5 triggers, all with no size and set to ‘Repeatedly’. The first needs to be set to ‘Radio Alpha’ and called ‘Extend boom’. Type this into the ‘On activation’ field: boom attachTo [c130,[ 0, -11, -4]]; boom setVectordirandup [[0,.5,-.6],[0,.5,0]]; nozzle attachTo [boom,[ -.1, -.35, -4.2]]; Now create a trigger set to ‘Radio Bravo’, called ‘Retract boom’ write detach boom; boom setPos[(getMarkerPos “marker1”) select 0, (getMarkerPos “marker1”) select 1, 0];Place a marker called ‘marker1’ anywhere on the map.Ok, now we need to allow any receiving aircraft to attach itself when near. Make a trigger and type this into the ‘Condition’ field: j1 distance nozzle < 3; ‘J1’ is the recieving aircraft’s name so change accordingly. In the ‘On Activation field write this for an:
F-35: j1 attachTo [nozzle,[ 0, -1, -2.6]]; j1 setVectorup [0,-1,1];
A-10: j1 attachTo [nozzle,[ 0, -3.6, -6]]; j1 setVectorup [0,-1,1];
AV-8B: j1 attachTo [nozzle,[ 0, -2, -1.5]]; j1 setVectorup [0,-1,1];
Dec 19, 2017  Boost's mobile phone unlock process is fairly simple for both domestic SIM unlocks (i.e., phones that will be taken to another U.S. Carrier) and international SIM unlocks (i.e., phones that will swap in an international SIM card). Call Boost's Customer Support team at 1-888-BOOST-4U to initiate your unlock process. Mar 24, 2020  Even if you are not currently a Boost Mobile customer, you CAN request a phone unlock, as long as that phone is Boost Mobile’s phone. However, the process is slightly more complicated. To complete the unlocking process as a non-Boost customer, you will need the Boost Mobile phone number OR account number last associated with the phone. You must first contact Boot Mobile Customer Care to submit a request to Boost Mobile to have your device unlocked. Once your request has been approved Boost will provide you with an unlock code. Once your device is unlocked, you will be free to use it on another network. Boost mobile unlock my phone. I've been told by another carrier that Boost Mobile needs to unlock my SIM slot in order to use my phone on the other carrier's network. For DSU-capable devices (generally devices and device models launched February 2015 or later), Boost Mobile will unlock the SIM slot for devices that are eligible. Mar 28, 2019  If you’re in the military, Boost Mobile will unlock your phone at your request with proof of deployment. The only eligibility requirement you don’t need to meet is the minimum amount of time you need to use your phone with Boost. Each number associated with your military account can unlock up to two devices per year.
The next trigger will refuel/rearm ‘J1’ after 20 seconds of being attached. Be sure to set the ‘TIMEOUT’ to 20 seconds.In the ‘Condition’ field write: j1 distance nozzle < 5; Write j1 setfuel 1; j1 setvehicleammo 1; in the ‘On activation’ field for *fuel*; *ammo*;. Now for the last trigger. Name it ‘Detach aircraft’ and set to ‘Radio Charlie’ or set it to go off 20 seconds after j1 attaches itself to the nozzle. In the ‘On activation’ field write detach j1; That’s it! Now when the F-35 called ‘J1’ flies up very close to the red sphere at the end of the boom, the F-35 will “stick” to the boom and after 20 seconds will take on full fuel and ammo. Either operator may then hit ‘Detach Aircraft’ (Radio Charlie) and the F-35 will fall away from the refueler.

Add loadouts to aircraft

Arma 3 Trigger Conditions

To add to the loadout of your aircraft just add this to the ‘Initialization’ field of the aircraft or to the ‘On activation’ field of any trigger: this addweapon “Mk82BombLauncher_6”; this addmagazine “6rnd_Mk82”; If added to a trigger, be sure to change this to the aircraft’s name. Refer to ARMAII_library.pdf or the config_viewer for weapon codes.

Record path for AI to follow

To make the AI follow an exact path or flight pattern, you can use a recording function that records your movement in the editor and then makes the AI do the exact same thing in the finished mission. Start by creating a trigger set to RADIO ALPHA. In the ‘On Activation’ field write rec = [heli1,200] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; where heli1 is the name of the vehicle being used and 200 is the maximum amount of time you need. (NOTE: You will be able to stop recording if you use less time, so a little extra time never hurts.) Be sure to now place the ‘Functions’ module(f7) on the map (not required in ARMA 3!). Create a notepad document and call it init.sqf. Place this inside of the document: MyPath = compile preprocessFile “path.sqf”; Now create another notepad document and name it path.sqf. Be sure it is not saved as path.sqf.txt or path.sqf.sqs but as path.sqf.In this one type: Path = ; [heli1, Path] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; Be sure both of these documents are saved in the mission’s folder.
Now run the mission in the editor and get into the vehicle. Do not start the engine yet! Hit RADIO ALPHA and then start the engine. Proceed to drive the intended path from start to finish. When complete, hit ESC once to bring up the menu, and hit ESC again to stop recording. View the info that appears on the screen and then press F1 to save the data. Go immediately to path.sqf and click your cursor between the = sign and the semi-colon after Path and hit Ctrl V to paste. Save the document.( NOTE: For additional paths, save them on seperate documents and name them path2.sqf, path3.sqf etc. For the init.sqf document be sure to copy the first line in init.sqf and change to path2 as shown below):
MyPath = compile preprocessFile “path.sqf”;
MyPath2 = compile preprocessFile “path2.sqf”;
MyPath3 = compile preprocessFile “path3.sqf”;

Adding A Trigger That Is Activated By Only The .. - Arma 3

Now to play back the recorded path. First set the vehicle to be driven by AI and be sure the name is heli1 or whatever you decided on for the recording. Give the AI a nearby waypoint so that they start the engine prior to the script going off, otherwise there will be no vehicle sounds. Now simply activate the script by typing this into any ‘On Activation’ field: rec = [] spawn Mypath; The vehicle will now do everything you did when you were driving it. You can even loop the trigger for things like a loitering MC-130 that continuously orbits the map.